• Our primary purpose is to help the still suffering alcoholic
  • To provide service to the community in the Halton area
  • To provide opportunity to allow people in Alcoholics Anonymous to provide 12 Step work

Excerpts from “The Twelve Traditions” – Appendix 1, page 562 – © Alcoholics Anonymous
Tradition 8: Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers. 

The Halton Service Office (HSO) is an Intergroup/Central Office as defined and recognized by the General Service Office in New York.

Definition and explanation: A.A. Guidelines on Central or Intergroup Offices

For those who need an explanation on exactly how the HSO works in the Halton region:
HSO Structure and Guidelines Explanation

For anyone who has further questions or require further information, please contact us and we will have someone reply back to you at your convenience.